Welcome Dinner

Neuroscience Bootcamp

What Is Bootcamp?

Transitioning from undergraduate life, or a post-baccalaureate career into graduate school can be a tough transition. Do you remember the basics from Neuro 101? Do you know where the library or gym is?  You meet faculty and students during the blitz that is recruitment, but do you really get to know any of them?  During your first year you are going to spend a lot of time with your cohort, and wouldn’t it be nice if there was opportunity for a little bonding before being dropped into class at the start of the quarter?  

Don’t despair, we have a bootcamp for that! During the Neuroscience Graduate Group Bootcamp we will cover a lot of ground in the two weeks leading up to the start of fall quarter! There will be several basic science refreshers, data blitz to learn what we are doing in the labs, opportunities to visit various centers and to talk with the current graduate students. Importantly there will be ample opportunities to network (and have fun) with the greater neuroscience community as well as with each other. Our goal is to integrate you into the Neuroscience Community at UC Davis, and in particular comfortable with your graduate school colleauges, neuroscience faculty and staff as quickly as possible.